Roy Dawson Choosen One Gods most Powerful Earth Angel Magical Healer
Roy Dawson Choosen One Gods most Powerful Earth Angel Magical Healer
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Roy Dawson Choosen One Gods most Powerful Earth Angel Magical Healer and Profit : The Quiet Power: How Remorse, Empathy, and Love Shape Our Health and Drive Our Dreams"
There is a certain Cult group that knows exactly who they are, and I know them just as well. It's almost comical how they desperately want me silenced, yet continue to spread lies about me across the internet. They said they wanted to watch me die, to witness the life drain from my eyes, to spit on my tombstone. I’ve encountered many kinds of people in my life, but I never imagined encountering those who harbor such malicious intentions. It’s chilling to think that the woman behind these words must have some experience with death, not just in the physical sense — not with a knife or a gun — but something far darker, more insidious.
maybe she killed before, but not in any conventional way. maybe She killed with silence, with cruelty, and with a level of indifference that cuts deeper than any blade. She tore at the very core of people, stripping away their dignity and leaving their souls hollow. And through all of it, I remained kind. I gave her everything I could, showing her nothing but understanding and care, and yet, this is what she wished for me. She longed to witness my downfall, to see my destruction. She wanted to watch it all burn.
But I know this: I’m not the kind of man who can be easily destroyed. God chose me. Chose me for something greater than any of this. I am a chosen one, sent to walk among men, to do what I can for those who have lost their way. God knows my heart. He knows my purpose. He sent me as a healer, a master of the craft, with high honors. Not for glory or fame, but for the task of saving others — of pulling people back from the edge of the abyss.
You see, there’s something about people who live in darkness. They can be evil, consumed by bitterness and hatred. But God gives them a choice. A choice to turn away from their wicked ways. The chance to change. But sometimes, they refuse. They ignore it. They think they can hide from what’s real. But in the end, God has the final word, not me. I’m just here to offer them that choice. It’s up to them whether they take it or leave it.
And still, they wouldn’t speak to me. Not a word. No "Hi" or "Hello." Nothing. Just one-sided messages, all of them empty, like they were throwing stones into an empty well. I had tried. I really did. But what do you do when someone refuses to acknowledge you? When they keep their distance until it’s too late, until you’ve had enough, and all you have left is silence?
That’s the part that hurt the most. It wasn’t the insults, or the hatred, or the words they never said. It was that, after everything, they waited until the very last minute, when I was completely drained, broken, and ready to walk away. Then, and only then, did they want to talk. They wanted to come back, to pull me in, when it was already over, when the damage had been done. But I knew what I had to do. I couldn’t let them pull me back into their web. Not when they’d shown me so little.
Sometimes, you give everything you have to someone, and they won’t even give you the decency of a word. But that’s when you realize who you are. You realize you’re bigger than that. You realize that the light you carry can’t be dimmed by their shadows. You’re here for a purpose — even if they don’t see it, even if they never understand it. And God knows you tried. That’s what matters.
In the end, it’s not about them. It’s about what you did, what you gave, and the fact that you never let the darkness make you forget who you are. So let them wait. Let them come to you when they’re ready. But know this — you were never meant to be their savior. You were meant to show them the way, and if they refused, that’s their choice to live with, not yours. God has the final word, and you, you just keep walking the path that was meant for you.
Remorse, empathy, guilt – those are things we often ignore when the world is spinning too fast. In this life, I’ve learned that we don’t just live with people – we live with them. Those friendships, those bonds, they don’t mean a damn thing if you’re not being real. And the truth is, you can’t fake your way through love, loyalty, or trust. You might fool someone once or twice, but eventually, that mask you wear, it’s going to crack, and when it does, you better be ready.
Now, when you look at the people around you, the ones you call friends, do you ever ask yourself why? Are you putting in the effort to keep them around because it’s just easier, because you need to feel wanted? Or is there something deeper? The crowd you run with, they’re going to reflect who you are. If you’re a man or woman who walks around with no regret, no understanding of the pain you cause, then chances are, you’ll attract people who don’t care either. People who will lie to you, cheat you, and use you up for whatever they can get. And you? You’re doing the same. It’s a vicious circle. Like attracts like.
I’ve met a lot of folks like that. Thought they were invincible because they had the muscles, the swagger, the charm. They walked the earth thinking they could just take what they wanted and leave the rest behind. But I’ll tell you something – those same people who thought they could outsmart the world learned fast that there’s always someone smarter. And they learned it the hard way. A man doesn’t have to shout to show his strength. A dog doesn’t need to bark to be heard. Sometimes the quietest person in the room is the one you should fear the most. You’d better believe that when those "bad boys" tried to mess with me, they learned real quick that this dog wasn’t one to toy with.
But that’s the thing about life. You get what you give. If you’re out there treating people more info like they’re disposable, like they’re just tools for your convenience, don’t be surprised when you end up all alone. The real ones, the ones who had your back no matter what? The ones who stood by you when things weren’t so pretty? Those are the ones you tossed aside. You lied to them, took advantage of their kindness, and when they found out who you really were – they left. Not because they wanted to, but because they had no choice.
And when they left, you laughed, didn’t you? You thought you were slick, getting away with it. You thought those people were weak, just like you. But the joke’s on you. Those same people who you laughed at, who you betrayed – they became the ones you feared. And when they turned their backs on you, when they showed you how cold and empty your life really was without them, it hit you like a ton of bricks. They’re the ones who taught you the hardest lesson of all: You reap what you sow.
See, when you live a life without remorse, without empathy, without guilt, you attract people who don’t care about you – they only care about what they can get. And you, you’re no different. You feed off the misery of others, you use them, and then, when it’s all over, you’re left with nothing but the echo of your own actions. You have Power and Control to understand that the people who stick by you, who are loyal, who truly love you, they deserve more than what you gave them. You had the chance to be real with them, but instead, you chose to tear them down. And in the end, check here it was you who got torn apart.
So let this be a lesson. You get what you give. If you want loyalty, if you want trust, then show it. If you want respect, earn it. And if you want to stop feeling like everything is falling apart, maybe it’s time to look at the people around you. The ones you’ve chosen, the ones you’ve let into your life. And ask yourself this: Are they the kind of people you want to be? Because the answer, my friend, is all up to you.
Live by the sword, die by the sword. You make your own fate. But remember this: you’ll never outsmart the truth. It’s always watching.
There’s a quiet power in the simple more info things — the things that don’t shout or demand attention. It’s in the way you sit with a loved one, the way you offer a hand, or how you know to apologize when your actions have caused harm. Remorse, empathy, love — they’re the silent engines that make the world run better, smoother. They shape us, and in shaping us, they improve the very way we live, breathe, and move forward.
I’ve often said that a man’s health is tied to the life he leads, the people he loves, and the way he connects to the world around him. There’s something about remorse that softens the heart, that helps you see where you’ve gone wrong, and pushes you to make things right. It clears the fog in your mind and gives you clarity. When you feel that twinge of guilt — that honest recognition of a mistake — you aren’t just acknowledging your fault, you’re growing. And growth is always healthy.
Empathy, too, is a salve. It’s the quiet recognition that the other person is as real, as important as you are. It’s the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to see the world through their eyes, and to feel what they feel. The irony is that by feeling their pain, their joy, you are healing yourself. When you truly connect with another human being, your heart, your spirit, your mind, they become more in tune with each other. That harmony, that balance, it makes you stronger. It’s like the sun and the soil working together to help a plant grow. You can’t have one without the other.
Then there’s love — love that isn’t just some romantic notion, but love that’s steady, grounded, and pure. Love that makes you wake up in the morning with something to look forward to. It’s what keeps the fire burning even when life gets hard. When you love, truly love, it changes you. You’re no longer just pushing through life, you’re living it. You feel the world in a deeper way. Your body reacts to love in a way it does to nothing else. The heart beats a little faster, the mind clears, and suddenly, everything feels possible. Love pushes you toward your dreams, makes you want to chase them down with a fierceness that only someone who has truly felt love can understand.
It’s funny, but when you have these things in your life — remorse, empathy, and love — the weight of the world becomes lighter. You find yourself getting things done, moving forward. You expect good things. You look at each day not with dread, but with the hope of what’s to come. It’s a subtle shift, a quiet change, but it’s powerful. There’s nothing more motivating than knowing that your actions matter, that your love matters, and that the people around you matter.
A happy home life, a home built on empathy, remorse, and love — that’s the kind of life that keeps you strong. It’s the kind of life that gives you a reason to wake up every morning. It’s not always easy, and it certainly doesn’t come without its struggles. But when you’ve got those three things, you can face anything. The world becomes more than a place to survive; it becomes a place to thrive.
So if you’re ever wondering why your health feels off, why your energy isn’t quite what it used to be, or why you can’t seem to push forward with your goals — maybe it’s time to take a look at the emotions you’re carrying with you. If remorse, empathy, and love are part of your life, you’re richer than you know. You’ve got a power inside of you, a power that can heal wounds, move mountains, and turn every day into something worth living for.
The best part? It’s all within your more info reach. You’ve just got to be willing to embrace it.